We’re in November, the last month of autumn, but for us at the Old Town Hall we are hoping that it is the beginning of a new adventure.
Our project continues, only now our attention is centred on funding in a few different ways.

Our main focus is the bulk of funding we need from the National Lottery Heritage Fund; we have applied for almost £3.3 million. Since our application was submitted, we have answered questions and clarified points relating to the 123 documents which made up the final submission. We hope by the end of the year to have the news about whether we have been successful or not in this funding application.
We are also busy submitting applications to other funding providers, both local and national. Grant providers have many different stipulations and timings so we're really lucky to have an external fundraising consultant working with us to manage this side of things.
In addition, we have approached some local businesses to see if they would be interested in sponsoring part of the project. We have identified lots of elements for targeted donation from a baby-change to the new clock tower, all varying in terms of size of donation.
The overall story here is that the project is moving forward, even though it may not look it from the outside! If you know of a local organisation or business which might be interested in being a part of the extraordinary transformation of the Old Town Hall building, in terms of any size of donation, be sure to get in touch. We will recognise and thank all donors accordingly.